Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Search in Life.. for a better CHANGE!

Search influences the change, it is the key for a change in one's life. Change is eternal. No one can stop becoming a change. We search for a change for our better life. It could be of any possible means and any ways of right directions. There are people (x) who follow a scientific/planned approach to create, apply a change and to become a change in their lives. There are other set of people (y) who accepts the change as it comes.

"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction" - Winston Churchill.

I have seen people(x) who are most successful in their life when they follow scientific approach by setting goals and attaining them through regularly measuring against their plan and taking preventive or corrective actions as they progress. Though, it seems as mechanical life it really helps for whom they follow. It boost one's energy to show his/her unique identity to the world. It energizes to make the difference by breaking the rules set earlier and to challenge others.

For instance and for a change, we plan to go out with our family. So, we start searching for so many.. first to choose the best place to go, how to reach, how to spend and so on..

Apparently, the other(y) group also succeeded in their life occasionally, when luck favors them.

The best media for becoming a change is to have the search. Unless, we start searching in our lives, we are considered non-living things and we are sure a stagnant material. Therefore, We are no more useful either to the world or to the self.

So.., I had opted both ways from this year very effectively. But, most preferably i choose planned approach. And, I leave the rest of the situations to the wa(y) of life to decide as it comes since it may impact on the matters of feasibility, money, time and others’ lives, where i have to wait for best to happen.

I do believe in the quote: "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

So SEARCH to become a CHANGE.. !

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